The Blaise Hall Series - Book 1
If you could travel back in time, what could you do? How could you use it to win the war or stop it before it even started? Are there rules which have to be followed? If so, what are they? What happens if you break them?
This is not an average time travel book. There is no handsome hero. There is a pretty Australian mathematician called Clara, a Jewish assassin named Miriam and B.B. Jones. He is a hero with a very dark side.
Blaise Hall is a government facility hidden in plain sight outside Liverpool, England in a little village called Hightown. At the outbreak of World War II, two scientists are brought there to build a time machine, a Barlow Bridge time machine.
You will find time travel a dangerous business. You would not want to fall out of time, to get trapped in the vortex, a world of endless pain between time and gravity. You would not want to be chased as realities split apart behind you. Yes, time travel is a very dangerous business, but the rewards could just win the war.
“This is a book which is easy to read (especially for a science fiction book). Before I knew it I had read the 400+ pages. It has a good story line which keeps you gripped and wanting to read more of it. Best of all it had a very unexpected ending with a “twist” to it. A very good first book from this author and I certainly want to buy the next book in this series.”
5-star review by Amazon Customer
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