It’s a balmy morning here, 30c with the possibility of rain. That will be nice, I like a drop of rain.
Well I’m working on my latest book, another comedy, which has a working title of ‘The Grave Case of Ms Pennywhistle’ . I'm sure it won't end up with that title, but who knows what the future will bring?
Elli Pennywhistle is a Paraplegic (waist down). She is a strong woman with a biting wit and loads of sarcasm. To cut a long story a bit shorter, she inherits an undertakers business in Wynton, Central West Queensland after poor Horace Underbridge is killed in a freak accident. At the same time, they are asked to forward a coffin to Sydney. The coffin is full of drugs, unfortunately they forward the wrong coffin. Old Horace , the previous owner, becomes a ghost and is introduced to the very strange world of the supernatural, including reincarnation. His mother and father have become animals - Girty is a red feral cat, and Norrie a red tailed black cockatoo. The cat spends its time trying to eat the cockatoo which in turn spends its time verbally sparring with the cat and avoiding being eaten for lunch.
I’m 31,000 words in and it;s going along quite nicely. I’ve still got a long way to go, and I’ve no idea how many words it will end up with. A book tends to write its own length, all I do is write down words to fill in the story. Simples!
Anyway, onward and upward. (Elli is having her first funeral today - I mean what could possibly go wrong? .