G’day from Cairns!
Well, my friends, I’ve just hit the 40,000 word mark on my book, ‘The Grave Case of Ms Pennywhistle’ and, although not stalled, I’m finding it hard going at the moment. This is entirely normal for me at this point in a book. I had a big flurry where I might have used up my monthly supply of inspiration, so, here I find myself in the doldrums. There is only one thing to do, push through it.
So, I’m pushing. Shoulder to the word mountain as I grind my way onward. This is funny, because I have a feeling this writing isn’t that good, but when I re-read it (actually I have Google read it back to me), it’s absolutely fine. This bit is a link, something that moves the story on to another climax, so it needs to be kept light and fluffy like a well baked sponge.
The baddies have made it to Wynton and are drinking in the Gregory. The ghost, Pegleg, is listening to their plan and in order to get his own back on Horace Underbridge, he makes it his business to help these men in any way he can. How? When? Where? I simply don’t know. I’ve a few ideas floating around inside my head but none that stick yet.
This is the beauty of writing freestyle, you never know where the story will take you.